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*The Physician Directory includes information about the healthcare providers who have medical staff privileges at one or more Trinity Health Michigan hospital and/or participate in Trinity Health Michigan’s clinically integrated network. The directory includes providers employed by Trinity Health Medical Group and Trinity Health IHA Medical Group and in private practice. No provider has paid a fee to be included.

Showing 21-40 of 139 Provider Results

Kristopher Bedi, DO
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Obstetrics & Gynecology

4.8 out of 5 (60 ratings)

Saint Agnes Care Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Phone: (559)450-6388
Appointments(New Patients Welcome)
Online Scheduling
Anita Sivasubramanian, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Internal Medicine
St Agnes Medical Center - Hospitalists
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Phone: (559)450-5672
Mandeep Kaur Khara, NP
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Nurse Practitioner
Saint Agnes Care Cardiothoracic Surgery
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Phone: (559)450-7455
Kaitlyn Michelle Sitts, CRNP
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Nurse Practitioner, Family
Saint Agnes Care Surgical Services
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Phone: (559)450-7200
Sanket Saurabh Shah, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
InSight Vision Center
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Phone: (559)449-5050
Parker Preston Davis, PA-C
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Physician Assistant
Sierra Pacific Orthopedic Center
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Phone: (559)256-5200
Amanda Nicole Ray, NP
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Nurse Practitioner
Saint Agnes Care Center Magnolia
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Phone: (559)450-8886
Amar S Shah, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Internal Medicine
St Agnes Medical Center - Hospitalists
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Phone: (559)450-5672
Daniel Joseph Sawyer, NP
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Nurse Practitioner
Catalin Nicola, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Internal Medicine
Primary Critical Care Consultants
More Location Information
Phone: (559)450-5672
Kimberly A Grannis, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Orthopedic Surgery

4.8 out of 5 (155 ratings)

Saint Agnes Care Orthopaedic Institute
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Phone: (559)450-2663
Appointments(New Patients Welcome)
Online Scheduling
Seyed Ali Mohammadi Rad, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Internal Medicine
Primary Critical Care Consultants
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Phone: (559)450-5672
Shaninder Kaur, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Internal Medicine
St Agnes Medical Center - Hospitalists
More Location Information
Phone: (559)450-5672
Akshatha G V Gowda, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Internal Medicine
Saint Agnes Care Internal Medicine
More Location Information
Phone: (559)450-4463
Appointments(New Patients Welcome)
Online Scheduling
Arnold Victor Escarcega, PA-C
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Physician Assistant
Saint Agnes Care Surgical Services
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Phone: (559)450-7200
Lorilee Ann Perry, NP
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Nurse Practitioner, Family
Saint Agnes Urgent Care Main Campus
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Phone: (559)450-2273
Shanan Mahal, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Internal Medicine
St Agnes Medical Center - Hospitalists
More Location Information
Phone: (559)450-5672
Nicole Olson, DO
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Internal Medicine

4.7 out of 5 (316 ratings)

Saint Agnes Care LQMG
More Location Information
Phone: (559)450-5777
Appointments(New Patients Welcome)
Alireza Soleimani Fard, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Family Medicine
Saint Agnes Urgent Care Main Campus
More Location Information
Phone: (559)450-2273
Rajani Vanam, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Internal Medicine

4.7 out of 5 (324 ratings)

Saint Agnes Care Internal Medicine Associates (IMA)
More Location Information
Phone: (559)450-2630
Appointments(New Patients Welcome)
Online Scheduling

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