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*The Physician Directory includes information about the healthcare providers who have medical staff privileges at one or more Trinity Health Michigan hospital and/or participate in Trinity Health Michigan’s clinically integrated network. The directory includes providers employed by Trinity Health Medical Group and Trinity Health IHA Medical Group and in private practice. No provider has paid a fee to be included.

Showing 41-60 of 139 Provider Results

Rajani Vanam, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Internal Medicine

4.7 out of 5 (324 ratings)

Saint Agnes Care Internal Medicine Associates (IMA)
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Phone: (559)450-2630
Appointments(New Patients Welcome)
Online Scheduling
Cristina Maria Vega, PA-C
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Physician Assistant
Saint Agnes Care Orthopaedic Institute
More Location Information
Phone: (559)450-2663
Terril A Efird, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Diagnostic Radiology
St Agnes Medical Center - Radiology
More Location Information
Phone: (559)450-3256
Linet R D'Morias, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Internal Medicine
St Agnes Medical Center - Hospitalists
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Phone: (559)450-5672
Ravneet Kaur Thind, DO
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Obstetrics & Gynecology

4.7 out of 5 (59 ratings)

Saint Agnes Care Obstetrics and Gynecology
More Location Information
Phone: (559)450-2300
Juan Martin Patlan, PA-C
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Physician Assistant
Saint Agnes Urgent Care Main Campus
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Phone: (559)450-2273
Fariba Hajy Iseyedsoleiman, NP
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Nurse Practitioner
Serenity Cancer Center
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Phone: (559)765-4842
Chinedu Chidiebube Nwagwu, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
St Agnes Medical Center - Hospitalists
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Phone: (559)450-5672
Lisa S Frutos, NP
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Nurse Practitioner, Family
Saint Agnes Urgent Care Northwest
More Location Information
Phone: (559)450-2273
Roydon G Steinke, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Obstetrics & Gynecology

4.9 out of 5 (136 ratings)

Saint Agnes Care Obstetrics & Gynecology
More Location Information
Phone: (559)450-6388
Robert Tevendale, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Family Medicine
Saint Agnes Care Family Medicine
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Phone: (559)450-0463
Danielle Marie Malvini, DO
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Family Medicine
Saint Agnes Care Center Magnolia
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Phone: (559)450-8886
Gayane Koshkakaryan, DO
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Family Medicine

4.8 out of 5 (78 ratings)

Saint Agnes Care Internal Medicine
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Phone: (559)450-6310
Appointments(New Patients Welcome)
Online Scheduling
Adam Michael Danielson, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Internal Medicine
St Agnes Medical Center - Hospitalists
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Phone: (559)450-5672
Javier Roel Coronado, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Internal Medicine
Primary Critical Care Consultants
More Location Information
Phone: (559)450-5672
Christopher Bryan Smith, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Internal Medicine
St Agnes Medical Center - Hospitalists
More Location Information
Phone: (559)450-5672
Parisa Rezapoor, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Internal Medicine
St Agnes Medical Center - Hospitalists
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Phone: (559)450-5672
Ceayee Mak, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Diagnostic Radiology
St Agnes Medical Center - Radiology
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Phone: (559)450-3256
Sabrina Haro, NP
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Nurse Practitioner, Family
St Agnes Medical Center - Palliative Care
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Phone: (559)450-4198
Ronald R Castonguay, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Orthopedic Surgery

4.4 out of 5 (123 ratings)

Saint Agnes Care Orthopaedic Institute
More Location Information
Phone: (559)450-2663
Appointments(New Patients Welcome)
Online Scheduling

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